While my own page is under construction, I’ll refer you to some other interesting pages and stimulating thoughts that I found on the web. Enjoy!
Other cool science
- Bert Hubert has an interesting blog article that explains DNA in computer science terms. He recently also wrote a very readable explanation of how the BioNTech/Pfier covid-19 vaccine works.
Finding research articles
- Semantic scholar: A great search engine for papers that allows you to customize your feed according to your interests. They recently introduced a handy TLDR-text summarization feature.
- Andrej Karpathy’s arxiv sanity preserver for scanning arxiv for the the latest and interesting pre-prints, using simple NLP techniques.
Cool machine learning related sites
- Srinivasnan Keshav’s advice contains lots of gems. I denfinitely recommend checking it out.
- Andrej Karpathy’s blog contains a great guide for current PhD students as well as excellent explanations of reinforcement learning and recurrent neural nets.
- Chris Olah’s blog has great explanations of various topics in deep learning. His treatment of LSTMs and attention is particularly good!
- Distill is a cool, interactive journal that aims at communicating science interactively through papers as webblogs. Definitely worth checking out.
- The classic xkcd comics. I particularly enjoyend this recent one on covid-19.
- Lovely images of animals posing in the wild at comedy wildlife photrography